Katarina Matsson gets to the core of the Big Apple

Posts Tagged ‘Park Jokes

1 Dollar Jokes In Central Park

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Det är i Central Park det händer. Först träffade jag en vild tvättbjörn. Sedan kom den här killen. Vi slog till på ett skratt. Väldigt väl investerade dollars måste jag säga, han var i alla fall mycket roligare än ståupparna på vår lokala vinbar. Uppvärming: ”Why do Chinese men bring chopsticks to bars? (tystnad, tänk) To pick up women”. Se fler på hans hemsida!

ENGLISH: Central Park is where it happens. First I met a wild raccoon. Then this guy showed up. We were happy to pay for a laugh. And it was totally worth it, at least he was a ton funnier than the stand-up comedians at our local wine bar. Warm up: ”Why do Chinese men bring chopsticks to bars? (silence, think) To pick up women”. See more on his website!

Written by Katarina

June 7, 2011 at 11:55 pm